A Columbus man was found guilty of filing false tax returns.

Overtime Ventures LLC

In a recent development, a Columbus man called Ali Kasimu Alston was found guilty of filing false tax returns, resulting in over $1 million in damages for the IRS. Alston, the proprietor of Overtime Ventures LLC, also known as Raining Cash Tax Service, pleaded guilty to the allegations during a court appearance.

Filing False Tax Returns
Filing False Tax Returns

The Scheme is Unveiled.

From 2015 until 2022, Alston routinely misrepresented his customers’ federal tax filings to maximize their refunds. One especially severe incident involved filing a return that showed losses for a non-existent home healthcare business, so drastically lowering the client’s … Read the rest

Five Common Tax Myths Explained

Ginita Wall points out 5 common tax myths that everyone should know about, especially with the deadline for filing right around the corner.

I would like to address some of those common tax myths that most people have heard about, although don’t really fully understand. Another source of information is TurboTax.com and the easy to use site will explain the tax myths as well as ensure that you get the biggest possible refund.

Common tax myths
English: United States Internal Revenue Service Criminal Investigation Division Badge (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Myth 1:

Despite popular belief, there is no evidence to suggest that if you … Read the rest

Turbo Tax Services Allow You To File Online

Now that your vacation has ended, it is a good time to begin your year on the right side with your taxes. Being prepared will enable you to get full income compensation through the help of tax volunteers.

The opening date for filing your taxes was Jan 2,2014, you could complete your taxes for filing using Turbo Tax 2014 prior to that date. Thus, this is the right time to start filing. An advantage of filing very early is that you will get your refunds earlier which is very much a logical action to take.

Using the fastest means of … Read the rest

How An IRS Debt Relief Program Can Get Your Taxes Back On Track Again

IRS Debt Relief Program

The IRS is well known for pulling strong-arm tactics on those who do not pay their taxes, but to be honest, they do have a softer side for those who have a legitimate reason for being late with their payments. To make it easier for you the taxpayer, as well as the IRS, they have developed programs for you to use, to get your tax payments back on track again, and in their good books again, as it were.

Installment agreement is an IRS debt relief program aimed at those who owe a large amount of … Read the rest

Details On Obtaining Prior Year Tax Information From The IRS

Obtaining Prior Year Tax Information

The ability to get prior year tax information from the IRS is virtually a guarantee due to the fact that the IRS is required to keep tax returns on file for seven years. As with most actions related to the IRS there is a form that is required to fill out in order to obtain prior tax information. This is Form 4506 that can be found by completing a simple form search on the IRS website. The IRS will not provide prior tax information without filling out a hard copy of Form 4506.

The form … Read the rest

How To Organize Your Tax Records

How To Organize Your Tax Records

Learning how to organize your tax records can save you stress and time when it is time to file your taxes.  Start the year with an organization system so you know where all of your records are when it is time to file your taxes.  If you aren’t sure what records you need, here is a general guide that is suitable for most people.


Your employer will issue a W-2 with your income and tax information for the year.  You should also include interest statements from investment accounts and any 1099s that you … Read the rest