TurboTax Help Can Assist You With Your Taxes Filing

According to the IRS, tax-filing seasons starts Jan. 20. If you need assistance with filing your taxes, take a look at TurboTax Help.

According to a statement made by the IRS yesterday, taxpayers can being filing their taxes 2014 returns on Jan. 20.

In spite of a last-minute tax law that as passed by Congress and and signed by President Obama, tax-filing season will begin on time.

Early in December, a bill was passed by Congress that extended more than 50 tax breaks that expired at the beginning of the year. This law has extended these tax breaks through the … Read the rest

Talking About Buying A Home

Things To Know When You Are Buying A Home

Buying a home can be a lot of different things. It will most likely be the most money you will spend on any single purchase. It may be the biggest debt you ever incur. And very likely, it could be the best investment you will ever make. Needless to say, it is a major decision to be made.

There are certainly many ways in which buying and owning a home is going to reflect on your personal income taxes. This is why seeking a consultation with H&R Block prior to … Read the rest

Turbo Tax Services Allow You To File Online

Now that your vacation has ended, it is a good time to begin your year on the right side with your taxes. Being prepared will enable you to get full income compensation through the help of tax volunteers.

The opening date for filing your taxes was Jan 2,2014, you could complete your taxes for filing using Turbo Tax 2014 prior to that date. Thus, this is the right time to start filing. An advantage of filing very early is that you will get your refunds earlier which is very much a logical action to take.

Using the fastest means of … Read the rest

U.S. tax reform – Effect of decrease in the tax code’s bias for debt

The much awaited tax reform has at last arrived to reduce the tax code’s bias for debt. As per the recent announcements, the U.S. corporate tax rate may reduce to 25% from 35%. The non-financial corporations will be allowed a deduction of nearly 65% of their gross interest expense, whereas the financial corporations will be allowed a deduction of up to 79%. Some special rules and regulations have also been implemented for the corporations who have stated a malfunction in the tax purposes.

According to various financial experts, the general strategy is to reduce the corporate tax while restraining the Read the rest

Processing of Tax Returns to Begin on January 30

Processing of Tax Returns

Earlier this week, the US Internal Revenue Service (IRS) announced that electronic filing of tax payments for the year 2013 will commence on January 30.  As a result, individual income tax returns will not be processed before then.

Electronic tax filing had been originally scheduled to begin on January 22. The nine-day extension is a result of the changes in tax law which took effect on January 1. The American Taxpayer Relief Act (ATRA) was the result of the “fiscal cliff” tie between the president and the house.

The IRS is getting set for the year’s … Read the rest

Legislation Delays Cause TurboTax To Prepare For Short Tax Season

TurboTax 2012

Intuit Inc., which is the maker of the tax software TurboTax 2012, is getting ready for the tax season to begin late in 2012.

With the changes that are occurring in tax laws it is possible that the filing deadlines may be pushed to later in the year. This could cost the company a delay in revenue  of $50 million to $75 million. This could translate into a 10 cent to 15 cent loss in their per share earnings in the companies second quarter of the fiscal year. This was the warning that the company had  announced … Read the rest