Getting Taxes For Free

Getting 2012 Taxes For Free

Many reasons exist that an individual taxpayer would want to get his or her 2012 taxes for free. One reason may be that he or she simply forgot to file. The 2012 taxes had a deadline that ended in April. Therefore, a person who owes taxes may have to pay interest and fees implemented by the Internal Revenue Service. Getting the taxes done free will save that person some money so that he or she can use the rest to pay the IRS.

Another reason someone might want his or her 2012 taxes for … Read the rest

Complete Your Tax Return For Free

Complete Your 2012 Tax Return For Free

It’s time to prepare your 2012 tax return. But have you ever considered submitting your federal income tax return online? Well, if you are ready to deal with your 2012 tax then there’s good news; you can prepare and file your taxes for free. You have to admit that it would be far simpler to do all of your federal income tax preparation from the comfort of your own chair and then file the taxes for free. You can file your taxes for free if you use an online tax software provider. If … Read the rest

How To Organize Your Tax Records

How To Organize Your Tax Records

Learning how to organize your tax records can save you stress and time when it is time to file your taxes.  Start the year with an organization system so you know where all of your records are when it is time to file your taxes.  If you aren’t sure what records you need, here is a general guide that is suitable for most people.


Your employer will issue a W-2 with your income and tax information for the year.  You should also include interest statements from investment accounts and any 1099s that you … Read the rest

How To Free File Online Using The IRS Website

How To Free File Online Using The IRS Website

Many taxpayers are using free file online programs that are based on popular tax software programs like the TurboTax 2013 programs. The free file online program is offered directly by the IRS on their website. It is available to all taxpayers, but different taxpayers can access different portions of the program based on their income and other factors.

The IRS free file online program connects taxpayers with participating software companies like TurboTax 2013. Taxpayers can choose between a range of software programs including the TurboTax 2013 Freedom edition. Once the taxpayer … Read the rest

Processing of Tax Returns to Begin on January 30

Processing of Tax Returns

Earlier this week, the US Internal Revenue Service (IRS) announced that electronic filing of tax payments for the year 2013 will commence on January 30.  As a result, individual income tax returns will not be processed before then.

Electronic tax filing had been originally scheduled to begin on January 22. The nine-day extension is a result of the changes in tax law which took effect on January 1. The American Taxpayer Relief Act (ATRA) was the result of the “fiscal cliff” tie between the president and the house.

The IRS is getting set for the year’s … Read the rest

Legislation Delays Cause TurboTax To Prepare For Short Tax Season

TurboTax 2012

Intuit Inc., which is the maker of the tax software TurboTax 2012, is getting ready for the tax season to begin late in 2012.

With the changes that are occurring in tax laws it is possible that the filing deadlines may be pushed to later in the year. This could cost the company a delay in revenue  of $50 million to $75 million. This could translate into a 10 cent to 15 cent loss in their per share earnings in the companies second quarter of the fiscal year. This was the warning that the company had  announced … Read the rest