Free Tax Preparation To Qualified Earners
It is that time of year again; time to get out your tax documents, records, and W2s and do your taxes. Some people dread this time of year as they know they will owe the government money. Other people look forward to it as they know the government will be sending them a check. Still others just do not like it at all knowing that they will need to take the time to file their taxes.
If you dread this time of year because you are confused about your taxes or need help filing your taxes but cannot afford it, there is good news for you. The United Way has started a Free Tax Preparation Campaign that is helping lower-income wage earners receive all of the credits and refunds they qualify for, such as the Earned Income Tax Credit. This service is completely free and comes with no obligation or hidden fees.
If your household earns less than $51,000 annually and your tax filings will not involve business taxes, income from rentals or the sale of stocks or property, you may qualify for help with preparing your taxes. People whose first language is not English, who are not sure which deductions they may be eligible for or people who have trouble doing their taxes due to other disabilities or challenges will especially benefit from this free tax service.
There are several free tax preparation sites in various cities staffed with volunteers who are IRS certified and are multilingual. In addition to free tax preparation services, people can also find out more about other forms of public assistance, such as:
• Utility Assistance
• Children’s Health Care
• Food Stamps
• Help with applications for college financial aid
• Receive credit reports
• Many other services
There is a limited capacity at each site. For more information, including locations, translation services and required documents please visit If you do not qualify for this free tax preparation service, using a tax software program, such as Turbo Tax 2013, can help you navigate the filing of your taxes in a more concise simpler manner.
United Way Offers Free Tax Preparation To Qualified Earners by Steve