Money Saving Tips Through Tax Moves

Every year there are changes that are made in most homes. These changes always affect the taxes filed. In order for you to save up on tax, there are a few things to consider.

Check the following money saving tax moves before filing your tax returns

If you changed or set up a business in 2011, then the expenses for all the movements will be tax deductible.

• To be eligible for job search expense, you have to have used more than 2% of your adjustable gross income. Make sure to list your deductions. This means that those expenses greater … Read the rest

Tax Credits And Turbo Tax

4 tax credits that can boost your refund

A dollar-for-dollar reduction of taxes owed is a tax credit. Several tax credits if you claim one and are eligible, are refundable. You can receive the remainder of it in a tax refund even though your tax liability is zero.

Here are 4 refundable tax credits you should consider on your two-thousand eleven federal income tax return to increase your refund:

1.For people earning less than forty-nine thousand and seventy-eight dollars from wages, self-employment or farming there is the Earned Income Tax Credit. Age, Income, and the amount of qualifying children decide … Read the rest

How Education Tax Credits Can Help You Get To College!

Many students are scared away from pursuing postsecondary education by the perception that they cannot afford it. It is important to know that the federal government is currently offering two different types of tax credits – The American Opportunity Credit and the Lifetime Learning Credit – that may help you to offset high education costs. Both of the available education tax credits pay for eligible expenses up to a given amount, including tuition, books and equipment or material fees.

The Lifetime Learning Credit is also good for up to $2,000 in credit each year, and covers not only degree-seeking students, … Read the rest

Tax Carnival Ecstasy – February 7, 2012

Welcome to the February 7, 2012 edition of Tax Carnival Ecstasy. In this issue we have an article by Gregory Stokes on not Missing The Tax Credits Income Deadline. Mark Roberts takes a look at How To Choose The Right Filing Status. Plus there’s a post on  Making 401k Withdrawals by Roger White. Hope you enjoy the articles, share, bookmark, tweet, like on Facebook, and come back real soon.

DeWitt Dudley presents My Mom Is Dying: What Should I Do About Estate Tax? | Law Offices of Givner & Kaye posted at Law Offices of Givner & Kaye, saying,

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