TurboTax Help Can Assist You With Your Taxes Filing

According to the IRS, tax-filing seasons starts Jan. 20. If you need assistance with filing your taxes, take a look at TurboTax Help.

According to a statement made by the IRS yesterday, taxpayers can being filing their taxes 2014 returns on Jan. 20.

In spite of a last-minute tax law that as passed by Congress and and signed by President Obama, tax-filing season will begin on time.

Early in December, a bill was passed by Congress that extended more than 50 tax breaks that expired at the beginning of the year. This law has extended these tax breaks through the … Read the rest

Talking About Buying A Home

Things To Know When You Are Buying A Home

Buying a home can be a lot of different things. It will most likely be the most money you will spend on any single purchase. It may be the biggest debt you ever incur. And very likely, it could be the best investment you will ever make. Needless to say, it is a major decision to be made.

There are certainly many ways in which buying and owning a home is going to reflect on your personal income taxes. This is why seeking a consultation with H&R Block prior to … Read the rest

U.S. tax reform – Effect of decrease in the tax code’s bias for debt

The much awaited tax reform has at last arrived to reduce the tax code’s bias for debt. As per the recent announcements, the U.S. corporate tax rate may reduce to 25% from 35%. The non-financial corporations will be allowed a deduction of nearly 65% of their gross interest expense, whereas the financial corporations will be allowed a deduction of up to 79%. Some special rules and regulations have also been implemented for the corporations who have stated a malfunction in the tax purposes.

According to various financial experts, the general strategy is to reduce the corporate tax while restraining the Read the rest

Reduced Tax Assessments Sought By North Jersey Homeowners

Last year, Nora and Pat Sfarra were in the unenviable position of watching the market value of their eighty two year old home in Teaneck decrease, while their property taxes simultaneously increased.

Assisted by a tax appeal firm, the Sfarras managed to put this right and got the assessed value of their home decreased from $351,000 to $310,000. This gave them the benefit of saving $1,000 worth of tax, which is a real gain when you are paying in excess of $8,000 in tax. Nora Sfarra was happy that she “got something off” in any event.

Dorothy Monoopli was in … Read the rest

Money Saving Tips Through Tax Moves

Every year there are changes that are made in most homes. These changes always affect the taxes filed. In order for you to save up on tax, there are a few things to consider.

Check the following money saving tax moves before filing your tax returns

If you changed or set up a business in 2011, then the expenses for all the movements will be tax deductible.

• To be eligible for job search expense, you have to have used more than 2% of your adjustable gross income. Make sure to list your deductions. This means that those expenses greater … Read the rest