Five Common Tax Myths Explained

Ginita Wall points out 5 common tax myths that everyone should know about, especially with the deadline for filing right around the corner.

I would like to address some of those common tax myths that most people have heard about, although don’t really fully understand. Another source of information is and the easy to use site will explain the tax myths as well as ensure that you get the biggest possible refund.

Common tax myths
English: United States Internal Revenue Service Criminal Investigation Division Badge (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Myth 1:

Despite popular belief, there is no evidence to suggest that if … Read the rest

Turbo Tax Services Allow You To File Online

Now that your vacation has ended, it is a good time to begin your year on the right side with your taxes. Being prepared will enable you to get full income compensation through the help of tax volunteers.

The opening date for filing your taxes was Jan 2,2014, you could complete your taxes for filing using Turbo Tax 2014 prior to that date. Thus, this is the right time to start filing. An advantage of filing very early is that you will get your refunds earlier which is very much a logical action to take.

Using the fastest means of … Read the rest

TurboTax Makes the Most of Superbowl Time!

There is nothing better this time of year than watching the Superbowl especially if your team made it. Even if they did not, the Superbowl is an exciting game that even the less inclined football fans will be watching. With everyone’s eyes on the game, the commercials draw in viewers like no other event in the world. Wives and Mothers and disinterested daughters will even enter the room to check out the coveted spots. That is because the commercials are great during the game, and Turbo Tax will be apart of the game day festivities. These clever and reality based … Read the rest

Intuit Offering Personalized Answers To Questions About The Affordable Care Act

Intuit Offering Personalized Answers To Questions

To provide assistance to the estimated 50,000,000 uninsured US citizens facing crucial healthcare decisions, Intuit Inc recently launched their TurboTax 2012 AnswerXchange. This is a unique social community that gives people customized, objective answers to their questions about Obamacare (i.e. the Affordable Care Act). This community is designed for people with no insurance, who want to know about the kind of healthcare cover available, and the cost of the Obamacare insurance exchanges.

Now, millions of people can use the TurboTax AnswerXchange, which is an impartial resource committed to helping citizens make informed decisions about … Read the rest

How An IRS Debt Relief Program Can Get Your Taxes Back On Track Again

IRS Debt Relief Program

The IRS is well known for pulling strong-arm tactics on those who do not pay their taxes, but to be honest, they do have a softer side for those who have a legitimate reason for being late with their payments. To make it easier for you the taxpayer, as well as the IRS, they have developed programs for you to use, to get your tax payments back on track again, and in their good books again, as it were.

Installment agreement is an IRS debt relief program aimed at those who owe a large amount … Read the rest

Getting Taxes For Free

Getting 2012 Taxes For Free

Many reasons exist that an individual taxpayer would want to get his or her 2012 taxes for free. One reason may be that he or she simply forgot to file. The 2012 taxes had a deadline that ended in April. Therefore, a person who owes taxes may have to pay interest and fees implemented by the Internal Revenue Service. Getting the taxes done free will save that person some money so that he or she can use the rest to pay the IRS.

Another reason someone might want his or her 2012 taxes for … Read the rest