The Discretion of the President to Plan Cuts Under Debate

The Discretion of the President to Plan Cuts Under Debate

President Barack Obama has been pretty vocal about the effect that automatic budget cuts are going to have. These warnings are getting increasingly ominous from the President and the Congressional Republicans are preparing to counter these warnings as far as possible. Basically the Congressional Republicans are looking to aid the administration with more flexibility and that too in instituting the 85 billion dollars worth of cuts. They believe and have said that this one proposal could actually serve the vital purpose of shielding the most important programs. This should be … Read the rest

Legislation Delays Cause TurboTax To Prepare For Short Tax Season

TurboTax 2012

Intuit Inc., which is the maker of the tax software TurboTax 2012, is getting ready for the tax season to begin late in 2012.

With the changes that are occurring in tax laws it is possible that the filing deadlines may be pushed to later in the year. This could cost the company a delay in revenue  of $50 million to $75 million. This could translate into a 10 cent to 15 cent loss in their per share earnings in the companies second quarter of the fiscal year. This was the warning that the company had  announced … Read the rest

Budget Seeks To Boost Tax Revenue

President Obama wants to adopt an idea put forth by Warren Buffet to raise tax revenue. The Buffet rule, as it is called, would target the wealthiest Americans for more taxes.

The White House is also proposing a higher tax on the oil and gas industry, fund managers and private estates. At the same time he would let the tax cuts to the wealthy from the Bush years expire. A further measure would raise dividend taxes on wealthy investors to the same level as ordinary income tax.

These tax proposals are part of his overall budget plan, which sets the … Read the rest