The Discretion of the President to Plan Cuts Under Debate

The Discretion of the President to Plan Cuts Under Debate

President Barack Obama has been pretty vocal about the effect that automatic budget cuts are going to have. These warnings are getting increasingly ominous from the President and the Congressional Republicans are preparing to counter these warnings as far as possible. Basically the Congressional Republicans are looking to aid the administration with more flexibility and that too in instituting the 85 billion dollars worth of cuts. They believe and have said that this one proposal could actually serve the vital purpose of shielding the most important programs. This should be … Read the rest

Payroll Tax Cut Can Hurt Social Security

Payroll tax cut undermines the security of the Social Security Program

If lawmakers see Social Security as just one of the line items in the federal budget, there is not much to stop it from being caught up in an orgy of spending reductions.

When an economic agreement was reached in Congress recently which extended unemployment insurance, the Social Security payroll tax cut and retained present levels of reimbursement for doctors who accept Medicare, the response by many was a resounding “Hurrah.”

The perception was that Congress finally did something important with less posturing and brinkmanship and not quite as … Read the rest